Monday, March 5, 2007

Djerassi's reply to M.I.D.vanRijsingen

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From: Carl Djerassi
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2007 23:08:33 -0500
3/5/07 London

At the risk of partially repeating a point I already made in my original comment and my response to Squire, I would like to point out how I have used visual imagery in the art historical content in my recent play PHALLACY where both the title's spelling and the bar code over the image of the naked bronze shown on my relevant web site ( makes several points that wouldn't be obvious with either change alone. Similarly in the document attachment, you will see two images of the bronze phallus of two casts moving toward each other until they virtually (but not totally) overlap indicating that they cannot be identical casts. Since my play deals with an actual, though little known, art historical controversy at one of Europe's largest museums including the contrasting behavioral professional idiosyncrasies of art historians and chemists, I use also many art historical images, one of which I am also attaching. It would be difficult to cover the subject of Jesus's erection as effectively as in this wood cut. *

Any participants of this symposium residing in or near New York can actually see the use of these and many other images and bronze scans during the North American premiere of this play (May 15-June 10) at the Cherry Lane Theatre in New York City.

Carl Djerassi

*Images: Both images come from the audiovisual components of the play, "Phallacy," by Carl Djerassi
The Christ image is from a Ludwig Krug (1520) engraving "Man of Sorrow"

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