Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Mironov responses to IMAGING IN ART AND SCIENCE

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From: Vladimir Mironov
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2007 16:53:06 -0500

1) What role do picturing practices play in your discipline of "knowledge production?"
- Picturing practices is the essence of anatomy as a morphological discipline. Real microscopic pictures as well as explanatory schemes and animations are very important for presenting anatomical and cell biological knowledge and scientific visual information. In this case "seeing is believing" or way of objective documentation and presentation of scientific knowledge.

2) How have your perceptions and attitudes of mind been challenged by current dialogues within the "Art-Sci" arenas? -
Becuse up to now I was not directly involved in such dialogues I could not say that my perceptions and attitudes have been challeneged. I believe that art and science belongs to the same domain - human culture. Both art and science are ideas driven cultural activities.

3) What role have new imaging technologies played in your conceptualizations of visual modeling or artistic application? -
Visialuzation and new imaging technologuies such as MRI and other clinical imaging technologies and new molecular bioimaging technologies are very important in bioprinting technology. Computer-aided design or "blueprints" for organ biorinting is basically visual modeling based on modified MRI images. It is not possible to build bridge without blueprint. Similary it is not possible to print organ without visual modeling or computer-aided design or blueprint for organ printing.

Vladimir Mironov

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